Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If You Don't Like This Blog...

::iTunes playing Redneck Yacht Club::
Husband: If you don't like this song... you can get the hell out of here.
::iTunes playing Callin' Baton Rouge::
Husband: If you don't like this song... you can get the hell out of here.
::iTunes playing I Got My Mind Set On You::
Husband: If you don't like this song... you can get the hell out of here.
Me: Are you going to do this for every song in the library?
Husband: Maybe.
Me: Seriously?
Husband: Well its going to be definitely if you ask me like that again.

Liar Liar Pants On Fire

::While he's flipping through tv channels, in his most sarcastic voice possible::
Husband: Oh no, don't make me watch Jaws!
Me: Why?
Husband: Because I hate that movie.
Me: No you don't. You make me watch it all the time. Why are you such a liar today?
Husband: What else did I lie about today?
Me: I don't know.
Husband: Exactly! I only lie once a day.
Me: Seriously? Once day?
Husband: Ok, well, I guess that's a lie... so twice a day.

The Same, But Different

Husband: Shoobs you should read more.
Me: Huh? Read more? I'm reading right now. Well I was before you interrupted me.
Husband: Oh, I mean paint more.
Me: Did you really get reading and painting confused?
Husband: Only for a minute.

I'm Tellin' Y'All It's Sabotage

Husband: Well if I didn't look like my father before... I certainly do now with just this mustache.
Me: Oh my goodness. Wow. That is going to take some getting used to.
Husband: I'm probably only going to keep it for the next 3 days or so.
Me: Ok ::laughing to myself::
Husband: What?
Me: I woke up with a police officer today and now I have to go to bed with the Sabotage video.
Husband: Shut up.

It's Facial Hair, Not A Friend

Husband: Goodnight.
Me: Goodnight ::kiss:: I love you.
Husband: I love you.
Husband: ::in a high pitched voice:: "I love you too." That was my mustache.
Me: Please don't ever let your mustache speak to me again, ok?

Love And Marriage

::After taking a survey for a research institute about being married::
Husband: Did you write anything in that last box about additional comments you wanted them to know about our marriage?
Me: No. Did you?
Husband: Yeah, I said that I wanted them to know had to take time out of my doing everything around here to take that survey since you never do anything.
Me: ...Thanks...


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